Lower Price Canyon photo by Tim Avery
The lower portion of Price Canyon in Carbon County follow US-6 along the Price River along the floor of the canyon. The sometimes steep cliffs are interspersed with canyons, ravines, and in some places rolling hillsides covered with a variety of habitats including: shrubsteppe, mixed oak woodlands, juniper woodlands, and various coniferous woodlands, dominated by Ponderosa pine. Some small deciduous patches of aspen and cottonwood may be found along the river along with willow for some riparian habitat. Most birding int he canyon is done by car, with few birders stopping to explore along the road. It can often be loud making for a hard time hearing birds. You can venture into some of the side canyons for more dense habitat and to get away form traffic.
There are only a handful of checklists form the canyon. This lower stretch is often hard to bird in, but if you make your way into a small side canyon you might be able to find a few things. Species like ROCK WREN can be found on the cliffs, and CANYON WREN are probably also present. Along the river during the summer months FOX and SONG SPARROW along with YELLOW WARBLER might be tracked down. There are probably AMERICAN DIPPER in the river, but there are no reports. Various waterfowl have been reported, but I think some of this is actually from higher up the canyon in a different county where the river flows across wide open spaces littered with beaver dams making large ponds. The habitat in the canyon in Carbon County doe not have nay of this. COMMON RAVEN and RED-TAILED HAWK are seen on a regular basis as are BLACK-BILLED MAGPIE and AMERICAN ROBIN. GOLDEN EAGLE may be seen soaring over the ridge year round, while BALD EAGLE are present in the winter months.
From the on ramp at Exit 240 on US-191/6 in Price, head north on US-191 for 8.4 miles till you reach the mouth of the canyon. From here you can continue another 9-10 miles in Carbon County in the lower portion of Price Canyon along US-191/6.
Labels: canyon, Carbon County, conifer, juniper, oak, raptors, riparian, river, shrubsteppe, sparrows, wrens
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